i'm quite rebellious but in school, i think i had obeyed my teacher's instructions especially in my secondary school years. i have a very little precious memories of my primary school days which is mostly about my friends.
Primary School : SRK Methodist ACS Kampar

my beloved SRK Methodist ACS Kampar

i forgot what this block is called but this was where i spent two years (standard 3 and 5) and canteen was also in the same block~

this is one of the few places that i used to wait for my school van after school.
thanks to the school's Facebook page for having photos of the school for me to get the pictures of the school. so this where i spent 6 years and it was memorable. and even when i was saving all this photos from the page, my heart aches. i miss this school so much and not even stepping into the grounds for more than 8 years now made me feel terrible. i really hope that i can pay this school a visit when i return to Kampar next time. just want to walk around to see how my classes, from Standard 1 till Standard 6, IT room, huge and bright library, KH workshop, the old piano in the hall upstairs (i doubt that they still keep it) and the gathering hall below where we used to gather before the school sessions starts.
to name a few teachers that really guided me throughout those six years would be Mrs.Ng who was my Std.6 class teacher and Moral and Maths teacher as well, Mr.Termizi who was my Std.5 class teacher and BM,Science and PJK (for boys) teacher, Mr.Daud who taught me KH in Std.5, Mr.Sabri, my Malay Language teacher in Std.5 and Ms.Chan who really taught us to see everything in a different perspective.
Secondary School : SMK Seri Kampar
this school is awesome~ simply AWESOME! i don't give a damn of what those 'migrants' from other school said about this school. when you come as a guest, behave like a guest. enough said.
to talk about the teachers here, i have to begin with Sir Sham. as one could seen (if they knew me well) i'm close with this teacher. i first met him in 2005 when he was our substitution English teacher. and i remember how he looked like. since our's was an afternoon session, he have to go back after his morning session classes and freshened himself before returning to school to teach us. so his hair was long and wet which reminds me of Severus Snape in Harry Potter series. i think i had pointed that out to him and he cut his hair after a few months. sorry,sir but you look good with shorter hair. as for Sir Sham, he's the fundamental reason why i started to blog. he told me that blogging will improve my writing skills but apparently i still got low marks for my writing paper in MUET. lol. without him, my English would be terrible and i couldn't imagine that self of mine. so whenever people praise my good command in English, i would always thank Sir Sham for making it possible. but i have a long way to go in being a good user of the language,don't i? sir sham, i know you would be reading this post so i want to tell you that i'm grateful for every bit of advises and guidance that you gave me in these past 6 years. i hate to break down in front you but i believe i did that twice. i miss hanging out with you,sir~ and always remember that i'm one of your students who really admired you for who you are.
snapped back in 2006~ Mr.Shamsul Fadzali
and of course there are other teachers such as Cikgu Harun whom we called 'dad' since he's the head of disciplinary board (i was a prefect), Mr.Lim Fang Keong, the only teacher that calls me by my nickname "Nanthu" and he's the best when it comes to Maths, Ckg.Azila who made Biology as fun as it could be, Mr.Au, my responsible class teacher, Mr.Prem who was my class teacher for Form 1 (i miss him so much T.T) and Pn.Asimah who revived our love for Sejarah when she took over the class from another teacher. actually there a lot of them, but i want to keep the post short so that's all i can share with you all.
Finally, a word from me. it doesn't matter what school you are in now but always remember to have the fun to the max and it have to be without offending any teachers. because i believe respecting the teachers will make me a better student~ HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!
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