If your presence in my life was just to create extremely good memories and left me with short notice, why do the GOD even let you appear in my life?
I was alone...perfectly alone but h.a.p.p.y
I didn't ask for you but you came...devil in disguise~
You changed my life in an overnight, literally...
from 8 in the morning till 3 or 4 a.m. in the NEXT morning...sending text messages and talk to you on phone...
never knew it was the beginning of the greatest mistake in my life so far~
you made me A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D to you like no one...
your text messages are so cute so i saved it...
your voice is my anti-depressant drug...
finally, i fell in love with a guy that i never met in person... just to be hurt by his later actions!
you were cold towards me and after few months, you were back to normal...
teasing me and make me to feel as though i'm your "the special girl for you"
things changed so fast...
one second, you asked me to call because you wanted to hear my problem...
next thing i know is to receive a message saying "don't call or text me after this.bye"
Maybe i screwed up things...
mistaken your care on me as the four-lettered sin word~
thought i might have made you fall for me~
has been so stubborn in wanting only YOU and no one else~
and for that, i'm facing more dilemmas...
there weren't a single day that has passed without thinking about you...
you meant and still, mean a lot to me...
moving on seems more painful so i have decided to be like this...
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