So whatsup with my life? Other than final examinations and financial crisis, life's been very good to me. Relationship dilemmas annoys me to the max and I'm really trying hard to be strong. and before i forget...
Happy Women's Day to all the women and soon-to-be women I know!
So what makes me back to blogging?
I was on Twitter and saw one of my bestie has provided link to her blog. I went like "Since when you start blogging?". Once i'm done reading her blog, i feel like her entries reminisced my school life.
These few weeks i'm extremely SCHOOL-sick...yes, you read it correctly. i miss being in my school with my tiny group of friends. SMK Seri Kampar, i miss you and the teachers~

p/s : Apology to Sir.Sham who had responded for my previous entry. Well you know how reckless i can be =( Miss ya,sir...
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