Monday, January 16, 2012

Implementation of Five Classic Creative Methods in Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)

Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) is an evolution of the prior syllabus, Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah (KBSR). The syllabus of KBSR has been improved incrementally with new ideas branched out from the previous ideas into KSSR. It was made in that way to improve teaching would be conducted in a proper and structured manner. The example for this is weakness in KLSR leads to KBSR and now to KSSR. This whole evolutionary process involved refining the syllabus for a better one. The synthesis method can be noticed when the new syllabus combined the ideas of studying and having fun together in classroom. Since KSSR is more modular, subjects will be taught based on themes and more activity based and therefore, it will help the students to understand a particular subject better. Revolution in KSSR is when one completely different idea is implemented in order to increase student’s academic performance and at the same time to be a holistic student. For example KSSR is more emphasized on 4M (Membaca, Menulis, Mengira dan Menaakul) instead of 3M (Membaca, Menulis dan Mengira) in KBSR. The menaakul (reflect) is the revolutionary component that will help the student to reflect on himself and understand his capability even better. Reapplication is indeed the word for this curriculum. This brand new improvised syllabus is meant to look at something old as in the teaching methods in Malaysia in a new way. Parents and teachers came to an understanding that with ICT used as a component in classroom, it will help the students to understand better and also assessing a student’s performance just based on the examination will not produce a holistic individual. KSSR also removes the prejudices that exam-oriented education and textbook based learning are the only way to educate student. For example, from times where students have to depend solely on the textbooks and exercises based on the syllabus, students now can experience the new syllabus that is more modular and interactive to be less dependent on textbooks. Finally, the changing direction method was used when KSSR is aimed to solve the problems that are faced by students and not implement a particular solution. Students are facing problems in academic such as slow learning, complicated syllabus and inexperienced teachers. In order to solve this problem, KSSR intended to apply a few solutions such as changing teaching methods from textbooks to modular based education system. This will reduce the problems overall from students playing truancy and ineffective lessons.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1) Click the link (No worries. No spam or whatsoever)

2) Register yourself and make sure you have a PayPal account.

3) Answer surveys. (Maximum of 3 surveys per day)

4) And earn $14 for each survey!

Sounds easy,right? ;-)

This is Survey-Faq where you need to answer surveys and earn money by doing so. I'm currently facing financial crisis at the moment so i'm just trying my luck in this.

What I just did above is AFFILIATION~

when you guys click on it and register yourself, i will earn an extra of $15 and with every survey you answer, i will earn (again!) 20% of your total.

Sounds cool huh? ;-)
Help me and yourself~