Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Secret

When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.
Make simple things that are given from the God more extraordinary! 

Living by accepting every single thing that happens in your life simply because it happens naturally is a coward’s life. There is no fun and excitement in accepting things as they are. Try to challenge things so that it makes your life worth living.

Whenever I wanted to update my blog, the first thing that crosses my mind is the phrase “I’m tired…” but I refuse to start my blog with that phrase. Be it physical or mental, I’m just getting tired of seeing how things are settling in my life. It’s paranoia to be optimistic when things really suck to remain positive.

The previous semester as a TESLian is a great one that I had after my first semester. I realized that I have changed so much and back to the old bright and bubbly Nanthini. I actually felt proud to be called upon to make people around me to smile and laugh. Proudly, I introduced myself as a ‘comedy piece’ because I knew well that I am one. It went well to the extent that I forgot how to cry. I took everything easy and positive and there was only one thing that crumbles me into bits. VT who hurts me with his words. 9 ferocious months without talking to or sending text messages to him. He told me that he doesn’t give a fuck about me anymore and I told him that I will get him back in my life as before.
Guess what, I did. Well almost~
I was introduced to this magical book called “The Secret” which I find very much useful. In several situations it proved to be true. The magic is simple. Imagine things that you dearly want as in present. For example, I’m longing for a Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone. All I should do is write it on a paper, pretending that I already own a Galaxy S2 and how I feel using it in present tense.
“My current phone is Samsung Galaxy S2. This is the best birthday gift ever in my life. I’m sliding through various applications and it makes me feel good. It’s kinda cool to own such a smartphone…”
Next is to imagine vividly as though I’m using it. Psychologists said that since the universe can respond to our thoughts, the more we think about having something we want, the higher chance for it actually happen.

Back to VT. After 3 months he told me that, he’s back in good terms with me. Starting from his 20th birthday on 21st Oct 2012, he is nice and warm to me. VT is back to me with 60% of the ‘old’ him. Told ya, the magic do works!